Commissioning of Heat Energy Commercial Metering Units and Heat Controls at the Consumer
The initiation of operation of the metering unit and/or heat controls at the consumer is done by the representative of the heating utility in the presence of the consumer’s representative, and two identical copies of the relevant act on this are compiled. One copy is received by the consumer’s representative and the other is received by the representative of the heating utility. The act on the commissioning of the modified heat carrier building inlet must be approved by the manager of the heating utility.
To initiate the operation of the metering unit and/or heat energy controls, the consumer’s representative must submit:
- basic scheme of the heat inlet;
- detailed design approved by the heating utility;
- passports of the measurement devices included in the metering unit, heat controls;
- documents on the calibration of the metering unit measurement devices, with the valid mark of the state calibration specialist; and
- assembled and tested metering unit, including the measurement devices which register heat carrier parameters and heat controls.
During the commissioning of the metering unit, the following must be inspected:
- correspondence of the manufacturer numbers on the measurement devices with the numbers indicated in the passports;
- confirmation of the measurement ranges of the installed measurement devices with the ranges of measured parameters;
- quality of assembly of the measurement devices and communication lines, as well as compliance of assembly with the requirements in passports and design documents; and
- presence of seals.
If non-compliance with the requirements is discovered, then the metering unit and/or heat controls are not admitted to operation, and a full list of defects revealed is given in the act.
The consumer’s metering unit (heat control) is recognized as acceptable for operation from the moment of the signing of the act by the heating utility representative, the consumer’s representative and its approval according to the established procedure. The metering of heat energy on the basis of metering unit readings is conducted from the moment of the signing of the commissioning act.
Before every heating season, an inspection of the readiness of the individual heat sub-station equipment for operation is conducted, and the relevant act is compiled.