USAID Project Support of the SEAP Development in Ivano-Frankivsk
In order to achieve the goals specified by the Covenant of Mayors the city developed and approved it by a decision of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council on February 6, 2014.
The European Commission adopted the Ivano-Frankivsk SEAP with significant comments and suggestions for improvement. The USAID consultants assessed the remarks to the document made by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The assessment findings were presented to the city administration. After reviewing them the Ivano-Frankivsk leaders decided to seek help from the USAID for the SEAP finalizing and re-approval. The working groups were formed in the towns in order to organize cooperation in finalizing the SEAP.
During 2014-2015 the USAID project assisted in the development and adoption of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Ivano-Frankivsk for the period up to 2020 (SEAP), decision of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council №1807-56 on July 28, 2015.
A set of energy efficiency measures as SEAP components were based on the results of the energy audits conducted in the main sectors of the municipal infrastructure. Leading experts participated in the research and together with the specialists from the city executive committee and public utility companies developed several dozens of investment project proposals. The updated document was presented to the public.
In order to make the Ivano-Frankivsk SEAP implementation measures more effective, the USAID Project team collected the project proposals into a catalog of investment projects. Financial investment and strategic planning experts identified the best sources and funding strategy for each project included in the SEAP. The catalog includes the most attractive investment projects from the revised SEAP as well as the projects and activities with maximum economic, climatic and/or social implications.
Full SEAP implementation will allow achieving СО2 reduction by 2020 by 114,9 thou t/year or by 20,15% as against the baseline (2010) year. It is expected that curtailment of demand for all basic energy resources will amount to more than 414 000 MWh/year