USAID Projects Assistance in Raising Investmens
As stated above, the annex to Vinnytsia SEAP is a catalog of investment projects (hereinafter – the Catalog). Information is provided in the Catalog in terms of municipal sectors:
1) residential buildings;
2) alternative energy;
3) heat supply;
4) transport;
5) public buildings;
6) water supply and sewage; and
7) planting of greenery, etc.
For each municipal sector, a list of project proposals is suggested. All financial indicators of the projects are evaluated in view of the 15-year planning horizon. To assess the financial flows of the projects, the forecast on prices for energy and energy services was used, also amount of investments and economic performance indicators are presented for each project proposal. The catalog includes those projects and measures that have maximum economic, climatic and/or social effect.
It is expected that investment projects in the residential buildings will have the greatest impact on reducing CO2 emissions – 7.32%. The second and third places belong to the projects on energy efficiency measures implementation in the heating sector (4.19%) and transport sector (2.64%). The smallest contribution to the reduction of CO2 emission will be made by reconstruction of outdoor lighting system – 0.12% and introduction of the alternative energy sources (AES) – 0.01%.
It is proposed by the Plan to use 10 financial sources for SEAP financing. Among them: the municipal budget, oblast budget, funds and borrowing of the communal utilities, city residents and grants. Also, within the framework of this Action Plan, it is proposed to use non-traditional sources of project financing: grants and patronage.
Among all sources of SEAP financing, the largest share belongs to the funds borrowed by CU "Vinnytsiamiskteploenergo" against the state guarantees (around 44%) and municipal budget (22%). Together, these two sources will cover 66% of the necessary funds. Important role is also given to the city residents who are involved in financing of 19% of the SEAP needs. It is suggested to attract somewhat smaller share of funds for the municipal water utility and Vinnytsia transport company (7% and 4%, respectively). The remaining sources account for 4% or less of total SEAP financing.
The Chart with distribution of financing by sectors is presented below. Total amount of investment projects financing in 2015-2020 will be UAH 2,728.1 mln.
Financing of SEAP Projects and Programs in 2015-2025 (UAH mln.)
Total funding envisaged for 12 proposed projects is UAH 1,223.3 mln., average payback period – 5.7 years.
The largest heat supplying companies are: CU "Vinnytsiamiskteploenergo", CU "Vinnytsiaoblteploenergo" and SE "Teplokomunenergo Maiak". As of 2010, the total connected heat load is 428 Gcal/h, the company balance sheet includes 55 functioning boiler houses, 2 CHPs, 103 central heat substations, 117 individual heat substations, 260.4 km of heating networks in two-pipe measurement. In 2010, more than 140 km of heating networks in the city required replacement (46.5 km of pipes were replaced with the pre-insulated pipes).
The projects included in the catalog of investment projects provide for equipment replacement in the old boiler houses; reconstruction of worn heat supply systems and steam pipelines; reduction of losses in the heat transportation systems; installation of individual heat substations (IHS), connection to SCADA system, installation of biomass boilers and efficiency improvement in district heating and heat distribution, etc.
Today, the city is implementing two major projects in the heat supply sector: (1) Project through 2020 "District Heating Energy Efficiency in Ukraine" (launched in 2013). The budget of the project is $ 43.34 million. The World Bank gives a loan to CU "Vinnytsiamiskteploenergo" at 3% per annum for 20 years. The project involves the reconstruction of CHP-4 at 2, Magistratska Street, with installation of three energy efficient hot water boilers of 20 MW capacity each, and 3 MW mini-CHP; installation of 220 IHSs; reconstruction of 33 km of heating networks with pre-insulated pipes and connection of equipment of the boiler house, IHSs and CHSs to SCADA system. Expected results from the project implementation: reduction of natural gas consumption by 4.58 mln. m3, reduction of electricity consumption by 5.59 MW, reduction of CO2 emissions by 10.7 th. t/year. (2) Project through 2017 "Reconstruction of S. Zulinskoho Residential District." Project budget: 7.3 mln. Swiss francs from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland and UAH 56 mln. from the Ukrainian side. It is planned for 2016 to conduct reconstruction of 8.8 km of heating networks in two-pipe measurement, install 68 IHSs, implement SCADA system. In 2017, it is planned to reconstruct three gas boilers with installation of the new burners, as well as install a 3 MW wood-fired boiler and implement SCADA system. Expected results from the project implementation: natural gas saving of 3.4 mln. m³/year; reduction of CO2 emissions by 6.5 th. t/year.
The USAID Project specialists conducted a pre-feasibility study for the project on installation of biomass boilers for natural gas substitution with alternative energy sources (AES) in the boiler house at 13, 600-Richia Str., Vinnytsia. The reconstruction is planned on the basis of the functioning municipal gas boiler house. The project envisages installation of two boilers with a total capacity of 10 MW each, which will work on bales of straw. Heat energy will be supplied to three consumer categories – public, commercial (self-financing) customers and to the population. In summer period, it is planned to satisfy 100% of customer needs in hot water with biofuel, and in winter period, heat energy for heating and hot water supply will be supplied to 100% of consumers in the public buildings sector and in the commercial sector. Also, in winter period, the needs of population in heat energy will be partially satisfied. Switching to biomass for heat energy production will allow to save annually 9.5 mln. m3 of natural gas and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 19 th. t of CO2.
In case of implementation of all measures in the heat generation and transportation sector, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 86,744 t/year or 4.19% of the baseline. Total reduction of energy consumption is expected in the amount of 31,853 th. m3 of natural gas and 20,062 MWh of electricity a year.
Total funding envisaged for 10 proposed projects is UAH 198.9 mln., average payback period – 15.2 years.
A two-zone water supply system is organized in Vinnytsia (CU "Vinnytsiaoblvodokanal"): since 1994, the main pipeline connecting two pumping stations was put out of service due to wear and tear and destruction. So, the right bank and left bank parts of the city have separate water supply system. However, the pumping stations still have large capacity units, and many of them had 2-3 overhauls, due to wear and tear they have low efficiency coefficient and their energy consumption indicators are 10% higher than they should be. 65% of large diameter valves already exceed their working lifespan, they are not subject to repair and need replacing. Since 1994, water consumption of the city reduces every year, and there is a need to transfer the pumping units into a throttling mode, which reduces their efficiency coefficient and creates increased pressure in the networks. Altogether, in the balance sheet, there are 574.9 km of water networks, of which 41% exceed their working lifespan, 15.7% are identified as hazardous and requiring immediate replacement. The company supplied to the network 33,052 th. m3 of drinking water in 2010, losses during transportation were more than a third – 12,083 th.m3.
Project proposals include: reconstruction of water mains, pumping stations and sewage collector, modernization of pumping equipment, rehabilitation of water pipes with diameters of 400 to 700 mm and above, the most pressing replacement of hazardous pipelines.
Experts of the USAID Project conducted the energy audit and developed the concept of the project on installation of heat pumps at the wastewater treatment plant of the city.
In case of implementation of all measures in the water supply and sewage sector, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 25,064 t/year or 1.2% of the baseline. Total reduction of energy consumption is expected in the amount of 31,853 th. m3 of natural gas and 21,607 MWh of electricity a year.
Total funding envisaged for 7 proposed projects is UAH 222.7 mln., average payback period – 10 years.
"Vinnytsia Tram and Trolleybus Department" company operates 30 passenger transport routes and carries more than 170.7 mln. passengers (about 75% of the total annual passenger traffic). The passenger rolling stock includes 116 tram cars, 170 trolleybuses and 58 city buses. 256 small capacity buses work on transport routes of Vinnytsia, most of which are owned by private carriers, and 30 medium capacity passenger buses of CU "Vinnytsia Transport Company." In the baseline year, electricity consumption by CU "Vinnytsia Tram and Trolleybus Department" was 22,266 MWh.
Investment proposals for the public transport are aimed at reduction of electricity consumption and provide for the following solutions: procurement of new trolleybuses to replace the old ones, replacement of small capacity buses with class I buses, introduction of the automated transportation management system, installation of electricity meters on the rolling stock, development of the cycling infrastructure, organization of additional traffic signalization.
In case of implementation of all measures in the transport sector, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 55,194 t/year or 2.64% of the baseline. Total reduction of energy consumption is expected in the amount of 14,424 t of gasoline, 172 t of diesel fuel, and 9,029 MWh of electricity a year.
Total funding envisaged for the proposed project is UAH 50.1 mln., average payback period - 11 years.
The outdoor lighting networks are in the balance sheet of the municipal communal unitary company "Misksvitlo." Length of the air networks of outdoor lighting in the city is 804 km, length of cable lines – 269.2 km, the total number of street lighting fixtures – 17,210, the number of electricity meters – 160.
Since 2008, electricity consumption by the outdoor lighting system in the city was constantly growing: a lot more lighting fixtures were installed compared to the previous years. At the same time, efficiency of energy use kept increasing. In 2010, electricity consumption was 5,291.5 MWh.
The catalog of investment projects provides for further measures to improve energy efficiency of the outdoor lighting system: final replacement of the incandescent lamps, use of the electronic switch and control equipment, and gradual transition to the use of highly efficient LED lamps.
In case of implementation of all measures in the outdoor lighting sector, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 2,551 t/year or 0.12% of the baseline. Total reduction of energy consumption is expected in the amount of 2,200 MWh of electricity a year.
Total funding envisaged for 9 proposed projects is UAH 356.9 mln., average payback period – 4.4 years.
The most energy intensive in public sector are the education sector (48 pre-schools and 36 secondary schools) – it spends 48.5% of all funds, and the health sector, which accounts for 35.2% of the annual expenses for maintenance of public buildings. There is a tendency to increase spending on energy carriers in the public buildings sector, as the main priority of municipal energy planning is to reduce expenses on payment for heat supply and increase energy efficiency in the sectors of education and health.
Project proposals for public buildings include: installation of the automated heat units, modernization of the entrance group in the buildings, heat insulation of the pipelines, hydraulic setting of the heating systems, installation of the aerators on faucets and restrictors on the toilet tanks, capital renovation and heat insulation of the roof of high (4 m and more) premises, improved heat insulation of exterior walls and translucent fences.
The demonstration project presented in the investment catalog envisages installation of the "air-water" heat pumps to provide heating and hot water supply for the children's education institutions.
Implementation of the project proposals in the public buildings sector will allow to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 22,573 t/year or 1.08% of the baseline. Total reduction of energy consumption is expected in the amount of 9,636 MWh of heat energy.
Total funding envisaged for 7 proposed projects is UAH 655.9 mln., average payback period – 2 years.
There are 1,235 residential buildings in Vinnytsia connected to the district heating system. The fundamental of the city housing stock are the buildings of typical series constructed in 1960-2000. Their share is 85.6% of the total number. Their main disadvantage is low thermal resistance of the building envelope. Low-rise buildings (up to three floors, inclusive) total 901 building. There are over 15,500 one-story private houses, and the average annual energy consumption of such buildings for heating, ventilation and hot water supply is 35 MWh.
Projects of the Investment Catalog in the residential sector include: installation of the commercial heat energy metering units with possibility of automatic weather-based control, installation on the staircases of the acoustic lights switches, modernization of the entrance groups of the buildings, replacement of exterior translucent fences (except for the staircases), installation of the gas meters and natural gas pressure controls, heat insulation of the roof and exterior walls, replacement of outdated wiring, replacement (if necessary) and heat insulation of the heating system mains laid in the basement and on the roof. For the private buildings not connected to the district heating system and using gas for heating and water heating, the measure "Transition to heat generators on alternative and renewable energy sources (such as biomass or biofuel) in low-rise buildings" was designed.
The residents of private low-rise buildings are offered the projects on natural gas substitution with biomass for the needs of heating and water heating, but they will be financed at the expense of the residents, with attraction of the state targeted loans.
The overall reduction of CO2 emissions in the residential (buildings) sector in the phase of heat consumption is 153, 073 t/year or 7.32% of the baseline. Reduction of energy resources consumption is envisaged in the amount of 522,046 MWh of heat energy and 3,698 MWh of electricity a year.
Total funding envisaged for 3 proposed projects is UAH 6 million.
Total green area of the city is 3,641 hectares, including 972 hectares of public area. The indicator of green areas per inhabitant is 9.4 m2. The sanitary condition of public green area in Vinnytsia parks and gardens often does not meet the modern requirements to urban forestry, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of dead standing trees and green spaces cluttering, in addition, the city green spaces need constant and proper maintenance. Currently, the number of potentially hazardous trees that need gradual replacement by young trees has increased in the city, but allocation of money for greenery maintenance is insufficient, about 30-40% of the estimated need, according to the norms per 1 hectare.
The catalog of investment project includes "green procurements" and other administrative measures, restoration of vegetation in the areas of public use, construction of green roofs on the public buildings and shopping malls.
In case of implementation of all measures in the greenery planting sector, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 58,112 t/year or 2.78% of the baseline.