In order to increase public awareness of more efficient energy use, and to stimulate the residents to reduce energy resources consumption through the implementation of energy efficiency measures, an active information policy is being implemented. The information materials on how every resident can save energy in his/her home are placed in trolleybuses, in the Administrative Service Center, in community liaison offices, in housing and management offices, etc.

In 2016, five schools in Khmelnytskyi participated in the energy saving competition organized by the USAID Project. In order to promote the implementation of measures on the correct and consistent thermal modernization of the multi-apartment buildings among the city residents, social advertisements with the message “Insulate Correctly!” developed by the USAID Project were placed on 16 billboards.

Sustainable Energy Days was conducted in Khmelnytskyi on 22-27 September 2015. The next Sustainable Energy Days will be held on 19-25 September 2016.


NGO “Khmelnytska Condominium Association” promotes condominium activities, disseminates information on energy saving technologies, the saving of energy resources and economic use of heat energy in Khmelnytskyi. In 2014, the Clean Energy Center was created within the framework of the USAID Project. In 2015 – І quarter of 2016, the representatives of 91 initiative groups addressed the Resource Center asking for assistance in establishing condominiums. To support the established condominiums, the consultants organized and conducted 34 training events – seminars, round tables, conferences. As of 1 April 2016, a total of 276 condominiums had been registered in the city.

The Program of partially compensating interest rates on loans taken out for energy efficiency measures for 2015-2017 was adopted at the City Council session on 15 July 2015 (hereinafter – the Program). Participants of the Program will be 17 residential buildings that take loans under the state program supporting energy efficiency improvements.  The easing of the loans for them will take place due to the partial compensation  of the loan from the state budget (20% – for individuals, 30% – for multi-apartment buildings, 40% – for condominiums) and the implementation of the Program (compensation of 15 percent interest rate on the loan) that will be financed from the municipal budget.

For the implementation of the energy efficiency measures, the condominiums of Khmelnytskyi used the following funds:

  • UAH 1.190 mln – own funds;
  • UAH 420,000 – loan funds;
  • UAH 750,000 – municipal budget funds.