The city, with the support of the USAID Project, is conducting an active information campaign among the residents, conducts events devoted to energy efficiency and alternative energy sources aimed at improving the energy saving culture and conscientious consumption of energy resources.

An outdoor social advertising campaign, "Insulate correctly!", is running in Ternopil on 19 billboards and 5 city-lights, and two Ternopil TV channels were broadcasting the “Your Home” TV show developed with support of the USAID Project on TV channel UA:PERSHYI. In April 2016, Sustainable Energy Days were held in Ternopil.

In 2016, four schools of the city participated in the national competition on energy saving within the framework of the USAID Project. Secondary School # 24 was one of the winners.



The Condominium Resource Centerestablished with the assistance and support of the USAID Project promotes the activities of the condominiums in Ternopil. In 2015 – 1Q2016, 128 initiative groups asked the Resource Center for help. 93 information meetings were conducted for the residents of multi-apartment buildings all over the city. The Condominium Resource Center organized 46 training events: trainings and seminars (met several times with the Mayor of Ternopil and discussed important issues regarding condominium activities with him).

During 2015, 21 new condominiums were formed in the city, and in the first six months of 2016 – 47 condominiums. As of 30 June 2016, there are 398 condominiums in Ternopil.

The city has the Program on Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving and Thermal Modernization of Ternopil Residential Stock which envisages the co-financing of energy efficiency measures in the following correlation: 70% of funds are allocated from the municipal budget, 30% should be paid by the co-owners of the multi-apartment building.

On 26 January 2016,the City Council unanimously approved the Program on Support and Incentives for Establishing Efficient Condominiums in Ternopil for 2016-2018.