USAID Project Assistance in Energy Management System Improvement in Ternopil
The Energy Saving Sector of the Ternopil City Council monitors the consumption of fuel and energy resources in public buildings with the help of software. This is a city-developed project, and work on its improvement continues. In particular, it is expected to arrange the process of daily and monthly monitoring of the energy resources consumption; the creation and permanent updating of the database of energy saving projects; search for and attraction of financing sources for implementing energy efficiency projects.
The USAID Project provides Ternopil with comprehensive methodological and consultative assistance to make the municipal energy management system compliant with the requirements of ISO50001. Within the framework of the USAID Project implementation, an energy audit of the largest boiler houses on the balance sheet of CU “Ternopilmiskteplokomunenergo” was conducted in September and December 2015. An energy management system in compliance with ISO 50001:2011 will be introduced in the utility. To fulfill this task, the USAID Project conducted the a second workshop on 28-29 January 2016 for the local employees. According to information from the Department of Housing and Communal Services, Urban Amenities and Ecology of the Ternopil City Council, Ternopil will become the first city in Ukraine where the heating utility introduces an internationally compliant energy management system.