As stated above, the Registry of Investment Projects (hereinafter – the Registry) was developed for presentation to the stakeholders’ representatives of the technical and economic characteristics of Pavlohrad SEAP. Information in the Registry contains data on 13 projects in terms of municipal sectors:

1) heat supply;

2) water supply and sewage;

3) outdoor lighting;

4) residential buildings; etc.

To assess investment attractiveness of the projects, different scenarios of price changes for energy and energy services were considered, also the required amounts of investments and economic performance indicators for each project proposal were indicated. For financing of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan of the city, it is planned to involve several financial sources (funds of the international banking institutions, communal utilities, private investors etc.). The Chart of distribution of financing by sectors is presented below. Total amount of investment projects financing for the period of 2015-2030 is UAH 4,671.6 mln.

Financing of Pavlohrad SEAP Projects and Programs in 2015-2030 (UAH mln.)


Total funding envisaged for 3 proposed projects is UAH 224.7 mln., average payback period – 4 years.

The heat supply in the city is arranged through the district and de-centralized schemes, and there is no district hot water supply system in the city. The district heating services to population, public buildings, communal and self-financing organizations are provided by CU “Pavlohradteploenergo” which operates 19 boiler houses and 13 central heat substations (CHS). Total installed capacity of the utility boiler houses is 371 Gcal/h, connected capacity is 132.8 Gcal/h. Total length of the heating networks is 81.6 3 km in double-pipe measurement. The current district heating system of the city was designed and constructed in 1960-1970s, 21.1 km of the heating networks (26%) are in dilapidated and emergency condition, and require replacement. Total amount of heat energy production for the needs of district heating was 183.6 th. Gcal in 2014.

The projects included in the Registry of Investment Projects envisage: technical re-equipment of the boiler house with replacement of the boiler’s convective part; energy efficient modernization of six small boiler houses and installation of new boilers; construction of mini-CHP on solid waste.

In case of implementation of all measures in the heat generation and transportation sector included in the Registry, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 23,500 t/year or 6.22% of the baseline. Total annual reduction of energy resources consumption is expected in the amount of 7,100 th. m3 of natural gas and 4,900 MWh of electricity.

In February 2016, the city became the participant of Demo Ukraina program and started implementation of the pilot project on reconstruction of the heating micro-district worth UAH 20.3 million which envisages construction of the boiler house, dismantling and replacement of the old and functioning pipelines, connection to the district heating system of the municipal hospital, introduction of the heat pumps or solar collectors for hot water production, installation of the individual heat substations (IHS).



Total funding envisaged for 4 proposed projects is UAH 7.3 mln., average payback period – 7.1 years.

Water supply in the city is provided by the district communal household and drinking water supply system, local drinking and technical water supply systems of the industrial enterprises. The district water supply and sewage is provided by CU “Pavlohradvodokanal” the balance sheet of which includes 2 water pumping stations, 21 sewage pumping station, 1 sewage purification station and 8 pipe wells. Over 85% of city residents are connected to the district water supply system. The district system of fire protection water pipe is functioning in the city. Length of the water supply networks as of 2014 is 247.9 km, of which 122.5 km (49%) require replacement. Length of the sewage networks as of 2014 is 263.4 km, of which 87.1 km (33%) require replacement. Operating life of main structures and equipment reaches 30-40 years. In 2014, there were 243 accidents registered in the water supply and sewage system of the city.

Investment projects envisaged by the Registry include: replacement of the pumping units at the water and sewage pumping stations; transition to the methodology of additional water chlorination with sodium hypochlorite instead of liquid chlorine, with reconstruction of the equipment warehouse; modernization of the purification facilities through replacement of the compressed air pump in the aerotanks.

In case of implementation of all measures in the water supply and sewage sector, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 1,500 t/year or 0.4% of the baseline. Total reduction of energy resources consumption is expected in the amount of 1,400 MWh of electricity a year.

CU “Pavlohradvodokanal” has prepared and submitted applications for obtaining NEFCO credit and grant fundsfor implementation of the following projects: “Reconstruction of aeration system in sewage purification facilities of the city, estimated amount UAH 5.8 million” and “Reconstruction of 20 sewage pumping stations and their transfer into automated mode with dispatching, estimated amount UAH 11.6 million”. Applications are in the phase of consideration.



Total funding envisaged for the proposed project is UAH 1.3 mln., average payback period – 4.4 years.

Works on operation, technical maintenance, renewal, capital renovation and current repairs of the municipal outdoor lighting electric networks are conducted by CU “Pavlohradsvitlo”. As of 2014, this utility operates 293.7 km of outdoor lighting networks, of which air lines are 197.7 km, and cable lines – 96 km. The city uses lighting fixtures with different types of lamps of the relevant capacity. As of 2014, the quantity of operating lighting fixtures is 5.633 units: arc sodium tubing lamps – 40%, incandescent lamps – 29%, and fluorescent lamps – 25%. In 2014, 1.315 MWh of electricity was consumed for the needs of outdoor lighting. Major part of electricity for outdoor lighting is consumed at night time tariff and is 8in average 73% of total electricity consumption amount. In 2007-2014, expenses of the utility for electricity increased by 2.7 times, which is mainly due to increase of tariffs.

Investment projects catalogue in this sector provides for: introduction of energy efficient lighting sources in the municipal outdoor lighting system through replacement of the current lamps with low luminous efficiency (12-50 lm/W) with the lamps with 80-120 lm/W luminous efficiency and higher index of color transfer, i.e. replacement of fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps with the energy saving LED light sources, which will allow to update 54% of light sources in the city.

In case of implementation of all measures in the outdoor lighting sector, it is possible to achieve reduction of CO2 emissions by 500 t/year or 0.13% of the baseline. Total annual reduction of energy resources consumption is expected in the amount of 400 MWh of electricity a year.

Within the framework of NEFCO grant assistance, Pavlohrad is implementing the project “World Business Card of the City” on reconstruction of the lighting system in Dniprovska Street which is the international transport corridor, with use of the modern energy saving technologies. The UAH  918 th. project is in the process of implementation.



Total funding envisaged for 3 proposed projects is UAH 489.6 mln., average payback period – 9.8 years.

Total number of public buildings subordinated to the City Council is 71, total heated space of buildings is 197.3 th. m2, including 49 buildings of the education and science department (20 pre-school educational establishments, 23 secondary educational establishments and 6 non-school educational establishments), 11 buildings of the culture and arts department, 8 buildings of the health protection department, 4 buildings of the sports and youth department. The public buildings were constructed in the Soviet times, they have high energy losses through the building envelope and require significant amount of heat for heating of premises. Amount of the fuel and energy resources consumption by the municipal public buildings in 2010 was 41.9 kWh/m2 a year, which is significantly higher than the European norms (15-45 kWh/m2) and normative values (45-70 kWh/m2) according to DBN B.2.6-31:2006 “Heat Insulation of Buildings” with amendment # 1. There is no district hot water supply in the municipal public buildings. In 2007-2014, expenses for maintenance of the public buildings increased by 2.7 times, which is connected with growth of tariffs.

Project proposals on public buildings include: comprehensive thermal modernization of 56 public buildings through modernization of the internal heating system of the buildings, insulation of the roofs, modernization of the ventilation systems, window and external door replacement; thermal renovation of School # 2 building with introduction of the heat pump technology; equipment of 57 public buildings with the autonomous heating systems with use of alternative energy sources (granulated fuel and heat pumps).

Implementation of the project proposals in the sector of public buildings will allow to reduce CO2 emissions into atmosphere by 7,400 t/year or 1.96% of the baseline. Total reduction of energy resources consumption is expected in the amount of 4,600 m3 of natural gas a year.

The USAID Project cooperated with the city on development of the business plan for the project “Energy efficient improvements in public buildings of Pavlohrad” for attraction of NEFCO credit financing.The USAID Project consultants conducted survey of the indicated public buildings and prepared proposals on implementation in them of the energy efficiency measures (heat insulation of external walls; insulation of upper floors; installation of the automated individual heat substations with weather-based control, reconstruction of the ventilation systems, etc.).  The project covers four public buildings in the city: kindergartens # 11 and # 30; secondary schools # 1, # 4. Total project amountUAH 13,345 th., including: NEFCO loan  – UAH 11,120 th.; local co-financingUAH 2,225 th. It is expected that amount of СО2 emission reduction as a result of project implementation will exceed 508 t/year. Currently, the business plan is being considered by the NEFCO credit committee.



Total funding envisaged for the proposed project in this sector is UAH 3,940.9 mln., average payback period – 11.5 years.

There are 709 low-rise and multi-stories residential buildings in the city, with total space of 1,774 th. m2. Most of themulti-apartment buildings are four- or five-storied, they make up 83.4% of the total number of buildings.Most of the residential buildings are in communal ownership of the city territorial community. Every year, the number of condominiums is growing. Most of the buildings were constructed in the Soviet period in 1950-1970s, have significant heat losses through the building envelopes and require significant amount of heat energy for heating of premises. According to energy audit data, specific consumption of the fuel and energy resources for heating in the residential buildings of the city is 102-124 kWh/m2 a year, which is significantly higher than the European norms (15-45 kWh/m2) and normative values (45-70 kWh/m2) according to DBN B.2.6-31:2006 “Heat Insulation of Buildings” with amendment # 1.

The Registry for the residential sector includescomprehensive thermal modernization of 522 multi-storied residential buildingsthrough modernization of the internal heating system of the buildings, insulation of the external walls and roofs, window and balcony door door replacement.

General reduction of CO2 emissions in the residential building sector (on the stage of heat consumption) is 38,400 t/year or 10.16% of the baseline. Total annual reduction of energy resources consumption is expected in the amount of 14,900 th. m3 of natural gas and 3,900 MWh of electricity.