Ivano-Frankivsk Will Renovate Trolleybus Stock Wich the Attraction of Foreign Investmens
The USAID Project developed the pre-feasibility study for the project “Renovation of Trolleybus Stock in Ivano-Frankivsk”. Its development was caused by the need to further develop the public electric transport sector, namely the urgent renovation of the rolling stock. This document will allow the city to submit applications for grant and credit funds from international financial institutions. The required amount of investments according to the pre-feasibility study is € 8 million.
The project on renovating the Ivano-Frankivsk municipal electric transport system includes procuring 30 new energy efficient trolleybuses with low floors, and procuring equipment for repair and maintenance of electric transport. Plans also include laying a new contact network, constructing atracking substation and launching a trolleybus route: “Railway Station – Yevropeiska Square – Bus Station-3”.
It is expected that as a result of project implementation a number of social and environmental problems will be resolved, and that the quality of public transport services for the city residents will improve.The amount of СО2 emissions will fall by over 1,000 t of СО2 a year. The total annual economic effect from the use of energy efficient trolleybuses and the introduction of new equipment for operation and maintenance will be UAH 3.9 million.