USAID Project Information Campaign
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project is implementing an information campaign, including in Rivne, as teaching Ukrainians to be responsible consumers of energy resources is a very important task. The information campaign measures can give a significant effect with relatively low expenses. As a result, everyone can feel their own responsibility for heat and comfort in their apartments, for managing their own housing, etc.
Outdoor social advertising of the USAID Project "Insulate Correctly!" has been placed in Rivne on 14 billboards. Rivne has been taking part in the European Sustainable Energy Week for several years now.
In spring 2016, five secondary schools in the city participated in the competition on energy saving conducted by the USAID Project. Rivne secondary school # 13 was one of the winners.
The Catalog of Investment Projects includes information (soft) measures. This includes thefollowing measures:
· demonstration measures (“open days” in public buildings and private buildings, at communal utilities and industrial enterprises where modern energy efficient technologies are applied; exhibitions, fairs and technological festivals of best achievements, with the participation of the producers of energy efficient equipment and materials);
· education measures (conferences, seminars, discussion forums and round tables, training games and trainings; introduction of school educational programs); cultural events devoted to energy saving, city competitions; sports events popularizing energy saving behavior;
· formal measures (open sitting of the City Council, official ceremonies for opening and closing of the Sustainable Energy Days).
Additional financing of these measures (in addition to those already included in the municipal budget) is not envisaged.