Gas Meter
Natural gas is one of the most important energy resources in Ukraine. Furthermore, it is in short supply and is a high-cost resource: Ukraine is forced to buy a significant share of its natural gas abroad.
Essentially, natural gas in this country is burnt in large boiler houses or in individual boilers in order to heat buildings and apartments. But about 35% of gas is consumed for cooking and heating the hot water used by the populace.
Large industrial and communal consumers are necessarily equipped with high precision natural gas meters. Most consumers with gas boilers or gas water heaters in their houses or apartments already have gas meters, so they pay only for the amount of gas consumed. But a consumer with just a gas stove usually does not have a gas meter, and so pays according to the norm set by the National Energy and Communal Services Regulatory Commission (NEURC).
Gas Meter
Currently, the installation of the gas meters for households is actively incentivized by the state. In particular, the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Commercial Metering of Natural Gas” identifies clear terms and financing sources for the installation of gas meters.
Why install a gas meter?
Installation of the household gas meter
1. Necessity of metering of natural gas as energy resource.
We are already used to paying for our electricity and water supply services according to meter readings. But there were times when these services were paid for according to average norms. Installation a metering unit implements the rule “Pay for What You Consume”, and natural gas is no exception.
2. Possibility of gas meter installation for free.
The Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Commercial Metering of Natural Gas” provides for the installation of the meter and development of the design documentation at the expense of the local gas distribution company, i.e. for free for the gas consumer. And you should not waste this opportunity because when you pay for this work yourself the cost will be around UAH 3,500.
3. Overstated gas consumption norms.
In the last 4 years, the norm of natural gas consumption per person was changed 4 times.
Change of natural gas consumption norms per person
Obviously, the consumption of natural gas, even for the purposes of cooking for one person, depends on many factors, but practical measurements show that on average this consumption is 3-3.5 m3 of gas per person a month. This has been decreasing because the consumers, and especially young people, prefer to eat out, and therefore they consume less gas. Water for tea or coffee is usually heated in the electric kettles, and this also reduces gas consumption.
If your building is not connected to the hot water supply (HWS) system and you do not have a gas-fired water heater, the gas supplier assumes that you heat your water for household needs on the gas cooker, and includes that average gas consumption into the increased norm. But most such users today own electrical water heaters (boilers) for water heating and consume electricity instead of gas. Therefore, if you have installed an electrical boiler and have no gas meter, you are paying twice: for the electricity consumed and for the gas that was not consumed. In this case, the installation of a gas meter reduces expenses on gas payments by 2.5 times.
In addition, according to the legislation in effect, when a household consumer without a gas meter refuses to have it installed at the Operator’s (local gas distribution company) expense, the actual amount of consumed (distributed/supplied) natural gas to the household consumer for the relevant calendar month is identified not according to the norms, but according to the boundary amount of natural gas consumption by the population set in the Code of Gas Distribution Systems adopted by the NECSRC Resolution # 2494 of 09/30/2015. And these boundary norms are practically double the previous norms.
4. Possibility to save on gas consumption and pay less.
Most of us probably know the rule: you should put a large pot on larger burner, and a small pot on smaller burner. This simple rule saves natural gas significantly. In addition, there is a wide choice of kitchenware in the market today that conserves natural gas due to its material, structure, form and size. After the installation of the gas meter, not only your conscience, but also your wallet will feel the positive effect from use of such kitchenware.
There are conservation measures which do not require any capital investment. For example, choosing the correct capacity and size of the burner for your needs during cooking, filling the kettle with just the amount of water you need, etc. Following all these rules will reduce gas consumption in your family, and thus pay less for it due to the precise metering of gas consumption by the meter.
At first glance, a gas stove is a simple appliance. But in fact there is a complicated technological process going on when natural gas is mixed with air for its further burning. And the efficiency of the burning of the gas (as well as amount of gas consumed) depends exactly on the quality of the gas and air mixing and their quantities. Too much air – the cooker becomes less efficient, not enough air – the cooker becomes less efficient, too high or too low gas pressure – less efficient again. Modern gas stoves have an efficiency of about 45%. But deviations of gas pressure from nominal may reduce this indicator practically by half, to 25%. So, another method of gas saving is the correct adjustment of the gas stove. And to see if the stove needs adjusting, the gas meter allows you to do so in the simplest way. You just have to turn on the cooker to the maximum capacity, measure gas consumption and compare it with the technical specification. Should you notice significant deviation, call in a specialist to adjust the stove.
If for some reasons you temporarily do not live in the apartment or house and do not consume gas for your household needs, you don’t have to pay for it with the meter. But without the meter you will have to pay for it anyway, according to the norm.
5. You can have no gas at all!
The same Law which establishes the boundary norms for gas consumption also determines the deadlines for providing household consumers with gas meters. For the consumers equipped only with gas cookers, it’s January 1, 2018. And what next? If the meter was not installed through the fault of the gas supply company, metering will be done according to the consumption norms up to the moment of its installation. If through the fault or refusal of the consumer, the gas supply company has legal right to stop providing gas supply services and to disconnect you from the gas networks.
Building level or individual gas meter?
In addition to individual (apartment level) meters, the consumers may install building level gas meters. But their installation entails certain problems.
First, as natural gas consumption is metered for the whole building, the distribution by apartments is done according to the number of people living in the apartment. But this does not incentivize gas saving because this is in fact a return to settlements by the norm. “Why should I save if my neighbor does not care, and everyone pays an equal amount?”, is the common question.
Secondly, when there are consumers in the building who do not pay for gas, the gas distribution company requires the repayment of the debt from other residents of this building because it considers the building as a whole to be its consumer, not separate residents.
Thirdly, there are always leakages in the gas transportation system. Every multi-storied building has hundreds of meters of the gas pipelines with hundreds of welded seams, valves, threaded connections and connections to the gas cookers, therefore gas leakages are inevitable. They often go unnoticeable by people, but they are registered by the gas metering units. According to the statistical data, up to 34% of gas is lost in the gas networks and is never supplied to the consumer. If the gas metering is done at the building level, you will have to pay partially for gas which never even reached you. And in the absence of a building level meter, the consumer covers also losses in the gas networks to the building.
Installing an individual gas meter guarantees that you will pay only for gas directly consumed by you, and not lost in the networks or consumed by your neighbors.
Procedure for individual gas meter installation (source:
1. The apartment owner submits a written application for the installation of the gas meter to the gas supply company. He/she attaches to the application the required documents: consumer’s personal I.D. (passport or its substitute), certificate on assigning of the identification code (if any), document confirming the ownership of the apartment/private building, or the right to use it.
2. The apartment owner selects the gas meter installation contractor. As a rule, the gas meter is installed by the gas supply company. But you can also contact other companies having the required licenses and permits for such works. The apartment owner and the company specializing in gas meter installation sign the work contract.
3. The contractor visits the apartment in order to develop individual installation design and recommend the meter type and capacity. An this stage, the apartment owner selects the meter type and size.
4. The apartment owner buys the meter for installation. Please note that you should buy only those gas meters which are on the list of registered meters included in the State Registry of Metering Equipment.
5. The apartment owner ensures access to the gas pipe: removes furniture, removes shelving, i.e. removes everything which may be an obstacle during installation.
6. The contractor arrives and installs the gas meter. The placement of meter installation was already determined in the individual design phase and is regulated by the following norms:
– gas meter is installed at 1.6 m height;
– gas meter specification contains its distance from gas equipment (cooker, water heater, boiler). If it is not mentioned, the distance should be at least 0.8 m;
– distance between the wall and meter should be at least 3-5 cm.
7. The apartment owner accepts the work and signs the Acceptance Certificate. After gas meter installation, the contractor must issue to the customer the certificate and payment document which certifies the fact that the work was completed (they must be provided to the gas supply company or ZhEK – with whom the contract regarind gas supply and the servicing of gas equipment is concluded).
8. The gas supply company seals the meter. The apartment owner receives the relevant certificate and payment document. When the meter is sealed by the representative of the gas supply company, the consumer may pay for consumed gas according to the gas meter readings.
Pursuant to item 23 of the Rules on Providing Gas Supply Services to the Populace approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 2246 of 12/09/99, the consumer bears the liability for the safety and continuity of the installed gas meters and the seals on them.
9. The apartment owner concludes a contract with the gas distribution company. He/she will need for this: a) passport; b) personal identification code; c) technical specification of the building/apartment; d) document certifying ownership right to the apartment/building; e) in case of privileges – documents certifying the right to privileges.
10. From now on, you pay only for gas you consume.
11. The gas distribution company calibrates the meter in 5-8 years.
Should you notice any operation problems, defects, discover external damage of the meter, or should you have any doubt about the reliability of its readings, inform the gas supply company immediately.