This measure includes the heat insulation of the attic with an additional heat insulation layer. Different insulation technologies are used for flat and pitched roofs:

  • the arrangement of an inversion[1] roofing for flat roofs. Any insulation material may be used for this;
  • insulation of roof frame[2] structures with further indoor painting. Predominantly, mineral wool insulators are used for this.

The average cost of the roofing is UAH 980 per 1 m2 of roofing depending on the materials used for insulation. In attic floor insulation with mineral wool insulator, the cost of the measure will be about UAH 740 per square meter of roofing.

[1]Inversion roofinga special type of roofing for which the insulator is laid above hydro insulation. This technology ensures reliability and durability of hydro insulation, prevents uneven deformation of layers as a result of dynamic loads and differences in temperature.

[2]Roof frame structuretwo sawn timbers connected in upper part at an angle and attached with their lower ends to the building wallsholding the roof.