National Congress on HCS of Ukraine
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) has supported holding of ХІІІ International Congress "Institutional and Technical Aspects in Reform of Housing and Communal Services (HCS) Sector’2017" in Kyiv. About 200 persons participated in the event. Among them: officials of the Government of Ukraine, speakers of the Ministries and agencies, experts of the international organizations, financial institutions and donors, representatives of the municipalities, communal utilities, manufacturers of the energy efficient equipment, professional associations and NGOs.
Diana Korsakaite, Chief of Party of the USAID Project, welcomed the participants and guests of the Congress and told about key achievements of the Project team over four years of its work in Ukraine. The achievements include:
• active assistance in drafting and adoption of the primary legislation for Ukraine (Laws on ESCO, homeowners associations, NEURC, commercial metering, heat supply, communal services);
• assistance in drafting and adoption of 16 SEAPS by USAID Project partner cities; SEAP implementation will ensure investments in the amount about USD 1.65 bn, and reduction of annual СО₂ emissions by 3.3 mn t;
• assistance in development and attraction of investments for implementation of 87 energy efficiency and clean energy projects worth USD 479 mn;
•conducting a large-scale information campaign that has helped to change the opinion of the population on energy saving – according to the KIIS sociological survey, more than 86% of the adult population in Ukraine support implementation of the energy-efficient measures and use of the alternative energy sources. According to the same study, approximately 20% of the adult population of Ukraine are familiar with the materials of the USAID Project information campaign.
Within the framework of the Congress, the conference "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources: Present and Prospects" was held at which USAID Project Expert Anton Shapkovskyi spoke about the best practices of energy reform implementation in USAID Project partner cities.
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