Energy Saving in House
You are a happy owner of a private house but your communal services bills upset you more and more? Then our new PSA video and energy saving tips are especially for you. Insulate your house, use energy saving home appliances and install a solid fuel boiler. Receive compensation from the state program supporting energy conservation. All this will allow your family to save up to 70% on communal bills. The video was created by the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project team in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine and the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine. Read more>> |
Energy Saving in Apartment
We continue looking into how to reduce communal bills through energy conservation. Please watch the new video PSA created by the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project team in cooperation with the Minregion and SAEE. This time, we focus on simple but effective energy saving methods in the apartment that will save you up to 50% of communal bills. Watch our video and remember: “You can cope with anything when there’s a will”. |
What is the Power of HOA?
Received slightly shocking utility bills again? And did you know you could readily save up to 40% on utilities? To do this you need to make the first step – get together with your neighbors and set up an Homeowner Association (HOA). In this way, you could control energy consumption in your building and implement energy efficient measures. So, enjoy the video made by the Team of the Municipal Energy Reform Project in collaboration with Minregion and State Energy Efficiency Agency, and learn how much you can save by, for instance, insulating the building front or installing an individual heat point. Remember: All issues related to your building need to be addressed together. And Let the Power Be with You, the Power of Your HOA! |
New Partner Cities Signed MOUs
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine has completed the process of signing the Memoranda of Understanding with the new partner cities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. Cooperation with the new municipalities envisages improved efficiency in use of the municipal energy resources. This goal will be achieved through energy audits of the energy supply systems and communal services systems, training of the specialists and providing assistance to the cities in development of the Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) or similar documents which determine the energy development and promote reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The USAID Project will also provide support to the cities in establishment of the municipal energy management and will assist in attraction of funding for implementation of the measures identified in the energy plans, SEAPs or identified as priority measures as a result of energy audits of the key municipal systems. New partner cities in the Eastern region of Ukraine are Bahmut, Dobropillia, Mariupol, Myrnohrad, Pokrovsk, Rubizhne, Severodonetsk and Sloviansk. |
Happy Holidays!
Info Fair "Opportunities for Development of Communities"
New Partner Cities
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project) has completed the competition to select cities and territorial communities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts controlled by the Government of Ukraine, for the purpose of improving the efficiency of municipal energy resources usage. Here are the winners. Based on the highest scores received, the following cities have become new partner cities of the USAID Project: Bakhmut, Dobropillia, Mariupol, Severodonetsk and Sloviansk. The USAID Project has also selected among the participants the following associated partner cities: Myrnohrad, Pokrovsk and Rubizhne. Read more>> |
Project Completed Trainings for Journalists
Over 140 journalists from seventeen oblast of Ukraine took part in a series of trainings “Media on Energy Efficiency: Competently, Objectively, Motivatingly”. The two-day interactive events were organized by the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services and the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. This year, the USAID team decided to change the customary format of its trainings, and suggested not only intensive theoretical training, but also a practical part – it organized meetings with those who are actively implementing energy efficient technologies and are using alternative energy sources. Read more>> |
You Received a Subsidy – Save Energy Resources!
“If I consume less services than the norm, I will lose my subsidy!” This myth is the one that subsidy recipients fear most. But remember: it’s just a myth. On the other hand, it is necessary to save water/heat/electricity/gas even if you receive a subsidy! You will be able to reduce your mandatory share of payment for communal bills. And the state can become less energy dependent. The experts from the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Social Policy and SAEE, decided to attract your attention to this subject, and created a video “You received a subsidy – Save energy resources!” Please watch the video and remember: using too much energy is harmful for your wallet! |
Journalist Trainings Continue
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project) continues a series of its trainings “Media on Energy Efficiency: Competently, Objectively, Motivatingly”. This time, the Project experts met on November 8 and 9 in Lviv with the journalists from Volyn, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil and Khmelnytskyi oblasts. For two days, they were studying together the fundamentals of energy efficiency, principles of energy saving, types of alternative energy sources, and potential of their use in Ukraine, issues of condominium establishment and successful management of the condominiums, etc. Read more>> |
Start of Journalist Trainings
The team of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project) started a series of two-day trainings “Media on Energy Efficiency: Competently, Objectively, Motivatingly” on November 1. The first training participants were 36 journalists from Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Sumy and Chernihiv oblasts. Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services, welcomed the seminar participants and told them about energy efficiency and energy saving on the national level. Read more>> |
Competition in District Heat Supply
On October 26, Diana Korsakaite, Chief of Party of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine, took part in the meeting of the Task Force on the creation of a competitive heat market chaired by Serhii Savchuk, Chairman of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. The Concept for the Introduction of Competition in District Heating of Ukraine was presented and approved at this event. The document was developed by SAEE jointly with the USAID Project. The main feature of the Concept is the introduction of financial unbundling for all district heating utilities. This means that these companies will be obliged to maintain accounting records and establish separate tariffs for all types of licensed activities (production, transportation and supply of heat energy). Following the discussion, the Task Force members decided to take the presented Concept as the basis for the development of the relevant legislative acts. Read more>> |
Seminar on Environmental and Energy Awareness
Vira Illiash, Director of Communications and Government Relations of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project, spoke on 21 October at the National seminar on environmental and energy awareness and outreach strategy. The seminar was attended by representatives of public organizations and city councils of Ivano-Frankivsk, Poltava, and Cherkasy oblasts. Vira Illiash indicated in her presentation that mass media are currently playing a very important role in the process of forming the attitude of Ukrainians to the issues of energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the use of alternative energy sources. She focused the attention of the audience on the fact that most media fill their articles and stories with “hot” facts. Instead, the journalists should create news, analytical and motivating materials providing the Ukrainians with tips on improving the comfort of their lives and on reducing their utility bills. |
Low Emission Development Strategy of Ukraine
On 26 October 2016, the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources conducted the II Conference “Low Emission Development of Ukraine”. Over 120 representatives of State executive government bodies, city councils, private businesses, international donor organizations, professional associations and academicians discussed the key aspects of the future Low Emission Development Strategy of Ukraine. The strategy’s development is a mandatory requirement of the Paris Agreement, which Ukraine has been a Party to since 19 September 2016. The conference participants reviewed and approved the catalogue of low emission development policies and measures that were developed by the technical task forces on energy supply, energy consumption in the HCS sector, transport, agriculture, forestry and waste management. Approaches to the grouping of policies and functional measures were also discussed. At the end of the event, the participants approved further steps for developing the Low Emission Development Strategy of Ukraine, including the process of its approval by the stakeholders, involvement of the public, and the holding of technical task force meetings in December 2016. |
USAID Project Started Cooperation with Odesa Oblast
On 26-27 September, the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project) and eight cities in Odesa Oblast signed Memorandums of Understanding on improving energy efficiency and the promotion of clean energy sources. By doing so, Odesa, Balta, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Bolhrad, Izmail, Reni, Chornomorsk and Yuzhne became new USAID Project partner cities. The Project will assist the municipaly governments of these cities in planning, managing and financing their activities in clean energy and energy efficiency projects. Photo: Odesa investment Agency. |
Save Energy! Do not Burn Your Money!
Are you ready to take and burn a UAH 500 bill? No? Why? This is how much you burn almost every day because of your careless attitude to energy consumption. The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine and the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving conducted a social experiment in order to attract Ukrainians' attention to the problem of wasting energy resources. Check it out! You will also learn tips on how to spend your money wisely. "Save energy! Do not bur your money!". You can watch the video at the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine Youtube page - |