Reform Communications: Survey, Trends, Common Efforts
Vira Illiash, Director of Communications and Government Relations of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project), participated in the “Reform Communications: Survey, Trends, Common Efforts”. round table on April 27. The main objective of the meeting was the joining of efforts of the international technical assistance projects, the team of the Government of Ukraine and non-government organizations for coordinating joint communication actions supporting the implementation of energy reform in Ukraine. The organizer of the event, NGO “Internews-Ukraine”, which is implementing the USAID Reform Communications Program in Ukraine Project, invited attendees actively implementing information campaigns on energy saving, best energy efficiency practices and use of alternative energy source to participate in the discussion. In her presentation, Ms. Illiash told about the key energy reform communication trends in Ukraine and gave a presentation on the experience of the USAID Project in implementing large-scale information campaigns on energy saving and the use of alternative energy in the Project partner cities. |
Award Ceremony for Schools Winners
An official ceremony of submitting reports on energy audits of the schools-winners of the contest on reduction of power consumption conducted by the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine among 78 schools from 16 partner cities (five from each city) took place in Kyiv on April 26. In the course of competition, the students together with the teachers were able to save over 41 th. kWh of electricity, which is UAH 78,901 in cash equivalent. The highest success was achieved by the schools from Kamianets-Podilskyi (33.5%) and Khmelnytskyi (20.5%). Read more>> |
Teplodar will Reduce Dependence on Gas
Expert Meeting on Climate Change Issues
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) took part in the expert meeting "Implementation of State Climate Change Policy" on April 27. The meeting was devoted to a discussion of the Action Plan on Implementing the Concept of State Climate Change Policy through 2030. This conceptual document was developed by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine with support of the USAID Project. The organizers of the event, namely the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, invited more than 50 representatives of the city councils and oblast administrations, NGOs and academia from seven regions of Ukraine (Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Lviv, Odesa, Poltava, Kharkiv and Chernihiv) to the discussions. Comments and proposals provided by the experts at the meeting will be incorporated in the finalized draft Action Plan. Further, this document will be sent for approval by the central executive power bodies, and will be approved by the Government of Ukraine. |
Izmail City Council Deputies Adopted SECAP
Izmail City Council deputies adopted the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan through 2030 (SECAP) on March 31. The SECAP was developed at a record pace of 3 months with the support of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project). This plan includes 73 technical and 5 information projects for total amount of UAH 1,718.7 mln. Their implementation will allow the city to save up to 75 mln. м3 of natural gas and over 345,000 MWh of electricity. In addition, the amount of СО2 emission will be reduced by 34% by 2030 (80,800 t/year), and this will have a positive impact on the development of an environmentally oriented economy and will improvement the quality of life for the city residents. . Read more>> |
Independent Heat and Power Engineering 2017
The team of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) participated in the industrial fair and forum "Independent Heat & Power Engineering 2017" held in Kyiv on April 11-12 with support of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE). Official opening ceremony of the event gathered in total over 4,000 guests and participants. Read more>> |
Energy Management Training for Eastern Ukraine
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) started the "Basic Energy Management Training" workshop in Kharkiv on March 27. Participants in this five-day event included 29 representatives of municipal, district and oblast administrations of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The main objective of the training is to help the new USAID Project partner cities in implementing municipal energy management systems and in improving their institutional capacity to develop sustainable energy infrastructures. During the training, the trainees will learn about the state and municipal programs supporting energy conservation, explore the mechanisms for raising financing for energy efficiency projects in the public sector, and learn about the key aspects of implementing a municipal energy management system and energy audits. |
USAID University Day in Sumy
On March 23, USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project team participated in the USAID University Day, conducted in Sumy National Agrarian University. It gathered over 100 students, who learned about tasks and achievements of six USAID projects, including USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project, and discussed main challenges related to reforming such sectors as: agriculture, trade, energy efficiency, finance, education, as well as anti-trafficking issues. The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project team prepared its own curricula for the students. It included interactive session, where all interested students participated in energy audit of the main university campus, discussed innovative technologies and energy efficiency measures, that could be implemented in the building, as well as participated in thematic QUIZ focusing on energy saving issues and alternative energy sources. During the session, the most active participants received branded presents from USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project. |
Kharkiv Now a Partner City of USAID Project
Kharkiv signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine on 23 March 2017. Under this memorandum, the Project will help the city in developing an effective energy management system. In addition, energy audits of the communal systems and public buildings will be conducted in Kharkiv for the development of the Greenhouse Emission Cadaster and Catalogue of Investment Projects in Energy Efficiency, with their further incorporation into the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of Kharkiv. Read more>> |
First Energy Audits in New USAID Project Partner Cities
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) is actively conducting energy audits in the new partner cities. Reports have been prepared for the mayors of Bolhrad, Chornomorsk, Mariupol, Odesa, and Yuzhne regarding energy consumption and energy losses in 112 public buildings – local hospitals and schools, kindergartens, administrative buildings, as well as standard residential buildings. All the objects were selected on the basis of analyses of their technical condition, year of construction, importance of social improvements from the implementation of the energy efficiency measures, level of energy resources consumption, and available potential for savings. Read more>> |
Training on Energy Audit of Buildings
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine announces a competition for participation in the training on energy audit of buildings that will be based on the methodology of Norwegian company ENSI and its specialized software for the buildings sector EAB. Objective of ENSI training program is to teach the specialists how to conduct energy audits of buildings. The training participants will receive knowledge and skills for: identifying and scanning of the projects for selection of acceptable projects; fulfillment of disciplinary energy calculations with use of ENSI ЕАВ software product; conducting energy audit and preparation of the energy audit report that will be used as the basis for selection and implementation of the energy efficiency measures; preparation of the manuals and operation and maintenance manual, as well as manual for energy management of the building. Read more>> |
Energy Management Training in Kharkiv
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project conducted the “Energy Planning, Energy Management and Project Preparation” seminar in Kharkiv on 1-3 March. 40 energy managers, communal utilities specialists and city council representatives from Bakhmut, Pokrovsk, Rubizhne, Severodonetsk and Sloviansk discussed the issues of energy planning, implementation of municipal energy consumption management and preparation of clean energy project proposals together with the Project. Read more>> |
Beginning of Cooperation with Mariupol
At the end of February, the Mariupol City Council and the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) conducted a joint press conference and announced the beginning of cooperation in the areas of energy efficiency, energy conservation and the implementation of clean energy projects. The City Council representatives told the journalists from 13 local and regional media, including 3 TV channels, about the key measures planned for implementation in the near future. According to Deputy Mayor Oleksandr Holtvenko, the USAID Project will conduct energy audits of 40 municipal objects (kindergartens, schools, hospitals) and will analyze the operation of their heat supply, water supply, sewage, lighting, and other systems. Also, standard multi-storey buildings in Mariupol will be inspected, their strengths and weaknesses will be identified, and recommendations on reducing energy consumption by the buildings will be developed together with the city energy managers. In addition, based on the energy audit results, the USAID Project will select and propose grant financing programs through which Mariupol will be able to implement the necessary energy efficiency measures and clean energy projects. The city will also receive support in introducing a comprehensive municipal energy management system. A wide-scale information campaign will be conducted for informing the city’s residents about the necessity and importance of implementing energy efficiency measures. |
Thermal Modernization Experience of Lutsk HOAs
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project organized a press tour on March 3 called “Homeowners associations (HOAs) Thermal Modernization Success Stories. Lutsk” for 23 journalists from national and regional media. This was the second city to tell its story about Ukrainians who led the way when it comes to establishing HOAs, implementing energy efficiency measures and using the state program of “warm loans”. All this allows them not only to create proper living conditions in their dwellings, but also to significantly reduce the expenses from the family budget for communal services. Read more>> |
Thermal Modernization of Homeowners Associations. Lviv
On February 17, the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine and the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) organized a press tour for more than 25 journalists from the national and regional media. The event was headed by SAEE Chairman Serhii Savchuk. The press tour participants, together with representatives of the Lviv City Council and Lviv Oblast State Administration, visited two Homeowners Associations in Lviv which had used the State Energy Efficiency Program, successfully implemented a set of energy efficiency measures, and received compensation for part of the loan principal not only from the state but also from the city. The organizers showed by their example that participation in the State Program of "Warm Loans” is beneficial, and that a manifold reduction of the utility bills through energy efficiency measures is realistic. Read more>> |
What US Experience Will Help Change in Ukraine
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform in Ukraine Project (USAID Project) and Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine held a briefing on 3 February 2017 regarding the MPs’ study tour to the United States. The tour was arranged to exchange experience on the transition to low emission economic development. The event presented the U.S. experience in developing and introducing green energy and how to practically implement the American experience in Ukraine. Read more>> |