Updated subsidy calculator
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project has updated the Subsidy Calculator, and it now incorporates all the latest changes in the accrual of subsidies. This includes: changed tariffs for natural gas and electricity, review of the regional and adjustment ratios for district and individual heating, cancelled privileges, increased subsistence level, etc.Please enter data on family composition and income, floor space and tariffs for communal services in the relevant fields, and in a matter of moments you will receive information on the amount of the subsidy that may be allotted to you. You can use the calculator here. |
USAID Project Assists Kryvyi Rih in Attracting Investments
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project) developed a business plan for the thermal modernization of t kindergartens # 15 and # 231 in Kryvyi Rih. The document will enable the municipality to attract almost UAH 10.4mln of investments for implementing energy efficiency measures. This includes UAH 5.6mln from the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and a UAH 3.7mln grant from the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund (E5P). Read more<< |
Thermal Modernization of Public Buildings in Chernihiv with USAID Project Support
TheUSAID Project developed the feasibility study for implementing energy efficiency measures in 73 public buildings in Chernihiv. They include 38 kindergartens and 32 secondary schools, one medical building and buildings of two culture institutions. Read more<< |
Inplementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in Khmelnytskyi Public Buildings Supported by USAID Project
31 objects in the city (which includes 66 buildings) were included in the Program of Energy Efficiency Measures in Public Buildings of Khmelnytskyi developed by the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project). They were selected as a result of an analysis of 100 public buildings (schools, gymnasiums, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.). Energy audits were conducted in April-May 2016 for 31 buildings. The audits included determining the current condition of the building envelopes, internal networks, and electric equipment; conducting an energy calculation and compiling energy balances; suggesting energy efficiency measures and calculating the efficiency of their implementation, etc. Read more<< |
Sumy Approved Sustainable Energy Action Plan
On 28 September, the deputies of the Sumy City Council supported the Sustainable Action Plan (SEAP) through 2025. The document was developed with support of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project). If all the projects planned in the SEAP are implemented, the annual reduction of СО2 emissions would be 134,600 t (26.2% of emissions in the baselineyear of 2013), andfuel and energy resources of over 371,600 MWh/year (21.3%) would be saved. Over the whole period of SEAP implementation, expenses for the fuel and energy resources would fall byat least UAH 1.7 billion (at current tariffs). Should the tariffs increase, this amount will be higher. The plan also calls to replace 10.8 million m3 of natural gas (5.8%) with renewable energy sources. Read more<< |
USAID Project Promotes Thermal Modernisation of Ternopil Schools
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project) developed the pre-feasibility study for the project on the comprehensive thermal modernization of school buildings in Ternopil. The project includes 83 buildings (kindergartens, secondary schools, educational centers, etc.). Currently, most of them are connected to the district heating system and use individual heat substations (IHS) with weather-based and time controls. Almost all buildings have an insufficient level of heat protection of the building envelope, have no district hot water supply, and their hydraulic and heat systems are unbalanced. They use outdated single-pipe heating systems, incandescent lamps or lighting fixtures with fluorescent lamps. The general feature of many public buildings selected is non-compliance with the parameters of heat mode, air exchange and illumination intensity in the premises, etc. Though many of these buildings have implemented an energy monitoring system (in manual mode) and energy certification system. Read more<< |
Ivano-Frankivsk Will Renovate Trolleybus Stock Wich the Attraction of Foreign Investmens
The USAID Project developed the pre-feasibility study for the project “Renovation of Trolleybus Stock in Ivano-Frankivsk”. Its development was caused by the need to further develop the public electric transport sector, namely the urgent renovation of the rolling stock. This document will allow the city to submit applications for grant and credit funds from international financial institutions. The required amount of investments according to the pre-feasibility study is € 8 million. The project on renovating the Ivano-Frankivsk municipal electric transport system includes procuring 30 new energy efficient trolleybuses with low floors, andprocuring equipment for repair and maintenance of electric transport. Plans also include laying a new contact network, constructing atracking substation and launching a trolleybus route: “Railway Station – Yevropeiska Square – Bus Station-3”. Read more<< |
USAID Project Assists in Zaporizhzhia Heat Supply System Modernization
The USAID Project developed an investment project for implementing energy efficiency measures for the heat supply system in Zaporizhzhia. Its implementation will improve living conditions for 106,000 households in three districts of the city serviced by “Municipal Heating Networks” Concern: Komunarskyi, Oleksandrivskyi and Voznesenivskyi. The technical part of the investment project calls for thereconstruction of 17 boilers (total capacity of 800 Gcal/h) in 10 boiler houses: replacement of burners and optimization of their location, reconstruction of the auxiliary systems and automation based on modern technologies. Plans also include the installation of 88 individual heat substations and a SCADA system (automated system for process management). Fulfillment of the whole set of measures is planned forthree years. Project cost is assessed at€10.1 million. Read more<< |
Zaporizhzhia Plans Implementation of Energy Efficiency Program in 60 Public Buildings
The USAID Project developed the pre-feasibility study on energy efficiency improvements in 60 public buildings in Zaporizhzhia. It is proposed to fund the project with credit from the European Investment Bank. The project includes seven buildings in the health protection sector, 20 secondary schools and 33 kindergartens. They all have similar problems: lack of weather-based heat supply control, need of capital renovations and flushing of the heating systems. The windows in most of the buildings are wooden and in poor technical condition, while newer PVC windows do not comply with modern requirements. The walls are not insulated; their thermal characteristics are 2-2.5 times lower than the norms, etc. A survey revealed that temperature norm is not observed on the premises of 41 objects. Read more<< |
Sustainable Energy Days in Partner Cities
In September, the cities of Chernihiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne and Khmelnytsky hosted Sustainable Energy Days. The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project (USAID Project)provided support with information kiosks. A variety of activities were on hand. For examples, small children made toy windmills with the volunteers, older children participated in clean energy laboratories. Grown-ups could receive advice from the Project on saving energy, heat insulation of homes, establishing condominiums, etc. |
Selection of Partner Cities in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts
Attention! The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) announces the competitive selection of partner cities and/or territorial communities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts – exclusively for the territories controlled by the Government of Ukraine. One important direction in implementing the USAID Project is working with partner cities to improve the efficiency of their municipal energy resource consumption. This goal is achieved by training specialists and assisting the cities in developing Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) and similar documents that identify energy development and promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. These plans are based on energy audits of the energy supply systems and systems for providing communal services. In addition, the USAID Project supports the cities in the creation of their municipal energy management systems, and assists with attracting finances for implementing the measures identified in the energy plans and SEAP. More details<< |
Second Season of "Your Home" Program Begins
On Sunday, September 25, the second season of the Your Home TV program begins at 4.00 p.m. on the UA:PERSHYI TV channel. The program was created with support of the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project). Every Sunday, the viewers of the TV channel, which covers the whole territory of Ukraine, will receive answers to burning questions about the management of their housing. In the new season, the creative team of the program, together with the USAID Project, created 15-minute episodes telling real stories of those who started creating condominiums and modernizing their buildings. In the first episode, we will show step-by-step the initiative taken by a group from one of Kyiv’s multi-apartment buildings towards establishing a condominium. Their experience and our practical tips will help avoid numerous obstacles and create a condominium as soon as possible. So, watch the Your Home program and you will definitely receive information that will help you make correct decisions. |
USAID Field Days in Kherson
On 17 September, during the celebration of the Kherson City Day, the United States Agency for International Development organized USAID Field Days. The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) and 15 other projects and organizations connected with USAID informed the city residents about their activities in the region. The Project organized in Khersonska Fortress Park an information kiosk where the city residents received consultations and brochures on energy saving, heat insulation of their apartments, establishment of the condominiums, etc. For school-children, there was a scientific clean energy lab functioning, while the youngest city residents with their parents participated in a master class on making toy windmills. |
Memorandum of Understanding with Odesa Oblast Signed
On 15 September, the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project), Odesa Oblast State Administration and Odesa Oblast Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding on partnership regarding energy efficiency improvement and promoting the use of clean energy sources. The USAID Project will work with at least five cities in the region and assist them in planning, managing, and financing the development of activities related to clean energy and energy efficiency projects. |
Exhibition-Forum "Energosfera’2016"
The USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine (USAID Project) took part in the Energosfera’2016 exhibition-forum, which was held in Odesa on 14-16 September 2016. The USAID Project organized an information kiosk and disseminated information materials on energy saving, implementing energy efficiency measures in apartments, creati condominiums, etc. In addition, the USAID Project supported the “Energy Efficiency Leader of Odesa and Odesa Oblast” contest and provided gifts for the winners in 12 c, including: "Best Project in Alternative Energy", "Energy Efficiency Project in Multi-Apartment Buildings", "Energy Efficient Residential Building" and others. By inviting producers of energy efficient equipment, energy auditors, and energy managers from different parts of Ukraine to the exhibition, the organizers were able to join efforts in searching for ways to reform and modernize the housing and communal services sector infrastructure in the region. |
Winners of Journalists’ Contest Selected
On 13 September, the USAID Municipal Energy Reform Project in Ukraine announced the winners of the "Contest for Best Published Journalist Materials on Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy Sources, Advantages of Condominiums, Tariff Reform and Social Protection of Population". This year, over 100 contest works were submitted for consideration by the judges. They were assessed for the level of journalism in the presentation of problems, problem urgency, importance and depth of analysis. 8 winners were selected among the applicants in the nominations “Best Material in Printed and Online Media”, “Best TV Material”, “Best Radio Material”. Read more<< |